17 To Have or Have Not
birth control
having one’s tubes tied
family planning
adoption /adopted / adoptive
finite resources
sustainable growth
overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation

What do you think of Ben’s and Emily’s decision?
Do you plan on having children? Why or why not?
Why should shouldn’t people have children? Advantages / disadvantages
What are some bad reasons for people have children? What are good reasons?
How may the child-parent relationship change in the future?
How can we reconcile Japan’s need for children and a world with finite resources?
What role should the government play in couples’ decisions to have children?
What about these options: single parenthood, adoption, adoption by gay couples, adoption by a single parent
How do you think “the family” will change in Japan’s future?
Try the role plays on p. 76.
Other experiences, stories, research...

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Video (opinions):  http://www.impactseries.com/Issues_new/issues_personal_opi.html