25 Impact Values - Saving Mother Earth
ecological “footprint”
emissions (to emit)
global warming
greenhouse effect
greenhouse gases
appeal to our emotions
appeal to reason
“We agree to disagree.”

In your opinion, how serious is the environmental crisis?
It’s easy to see there is no single answer to saving the earth - what can be done in each of these areas to help save the earth?
What do you do in your life that helps the environment? What do you do in your life that hurts the environment? How big is your environmental footprint?
How effective do you think each of these approaches is?
    eating less beef (cows > methane > greenhouse effect)
    eating locally grown food
    eating only organic foods
    buying a hybrid or electric vehicle
    choose not to buy a car
    recycling trash
    bringing your own hashi from home
Which of the items listed in the textbook (Values Exchange) would you be willing to give up? Explain and discuss. Can you think of other ideas?
For example...think of all the food and energy that is used to raise pets. Should pets be illegal?
Many people believe one of the biggest environmental problems is overpopulation (too many people). How can Japan justify its policy of trying to increase its birth rate?
Nuclear energy produces almost zero greenhouse gases. Is this the answer to our problems? Why or why not?
Is it the government’s job to keep the environment clean? If so, how much of a tax increase would you support to help fund such an effort?
Is it business’s job? If so, how much more are you willing to pay for consumer goods to help fund such efforts?
Which do you think will help the environment most in the long run?
    people’s individual habits and efforts
    government regulation
    advances in science and technology
    making environmental care economically profitable
    a world disaster that kills half the population of earth (asteroid, disease, etc.)
    other ideas?