14 Impact Values - Naomi’s Dilemma (Sexual Harassment)
sexual harassment
compromise (endanger)
intimidate / intimidating
dilemma (latin from greeek, 2 premises)

Do you think Naomi’s boss is guilty of sexual harassment?
What do you think of her brother Tom’s advice? Is your advice the same or different?
What do you think the proper limits are for boss-employee behavior?
What about teacher-student behavior?
Assume YOU are a boss (single) and you are attracted to one of your employees (single). How will you deal with your feelings?
Does it matter to you if your teacher is make or female? What is the difference?
How much adult human behavior should be controlled or regulated by company policy? What is the ideal working environment for you, in terms of interpersonal relationships. (A kissing story)
What makes a good boss?
What experiences have you had with bosses in terms of interpersonal relationships ? Teachers?

9 to 5, Dolly Parton, LIly Tomlin, Jane Fonda. <http://snipurl.com/3f3b9> With a nod to Preston Sturges’s classic dark comedy Unfaithfully Yours (about a man who fantasizes about murdering his possibly philandering wife), this 1980 cotton-candy-feminist-vendetta film concerns a monstrous boss (Dabney Coleman) whose more capable underlings dream of ways of punishing him. That much of the film is particularly fun, but the rest of it descends into silliness when the women stumble onto a real-life opportunity to teach him a lesson. Fonda, the biggest star in the film at the time, takes a back seat to Parton’s and Tomlin’s showier roles. Written and directed by the late Colin Higgins (who made a lot of people happy in the ‘70s with his script for the beloved Harold and Maude)

Disclosure, Michael Douglas and Demi Moore <http://snipurl.com/3f3a2> Michael Crichton’s bestselling novel was both a high-tech thriller and source of controversy with its hot-button plot about a man’s charge of sexual harassment against a female colleague and former lover. The movie, directed by Barry Levinson, turned these issues into a prurient thriller gussied up in glossy production values, virtual reality computer graphics, and steamy sex between Michael Douglas and Demi Moore. Having cornered the market on roles for men whose brains are located south of their waistline, Douglas is well cast as the computer-industry guy who loses a plush promotion to the opportunistic Moore, and he’s perfected the expression of paranoid panic. If you don’t think about it too much, this is one of those films that can draw you into its manipulative web and really grab your attention. Disclosure is more entertaining than thought provoking (because the filmmakers basically danced around the story’s potential controversy), but there’s enough star power and visual glitz to make this an enjoyable ride.