
*Cookies 240g
*suger 120g
*eggs 60g
*cocoa 21g
*coconut 20g
*Vanilla little bit.
1.crushed the cookies.
2. mixed sugar, egg, cocoa and coconuts during boil. add the cookies.
3. Put it in the refrigerator until it's hard
4. put on the icing suger .

it's a traditional dessert in Australia. meringue

*4-6 egg whites
pinch salt
caster sugar
1 ts white vinegar
1/2 ts vanilla essence
2 level ts cornflour

oven 180
1. Beat the whitesof eggs with pinch of salt and add sugar untill stiff.
2. Add white vinegar, cornflour and vanilla essence and mixed.
3. put it on the cooking seat and baked in the oven 150 for 10mins. and continued oven 130 for 1h20mins until cool.
4. Top with whipped cream and decorate with fruit as desired.


*1 slab sponge cake
*4 cups icing suger
*1/3 cup un sweetend cocoa powder
*2 tbs butter
*1/2 cup milk
*2-3 cups desiccated coconut

1. cut the sponge cake to dice
2. Put sugar and cocoa  in the bowl. Add butter and milk mixed until smooth.
3. Put sponge cake into the sause.
4. coconuts covered


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