I'd like to talk about Oxford University in this page!!
Oxford University is very traditional university isn't it??
If you know about the university, I'm very glad.

Oxford university is oldest in English bloc.  But about when was builted Oxford university, anybody knows yet.  But we already understand to do lesson in Oxford university in 1096. 

There is already evidence about it.  In 1167, British students were forbidden studying in university of Paris by Henry‡U.  Then Oxford University developed rapidly.  And in this time, a dormitory was built.  These halls developed into a college (a seminary) later.  The university was dissolved at one time. By two students was arrested by rape.  This led to the establishment of Cambridge University.  Nicholas de Romanis recognized to reopen University in Oxford in 1214.  This universityfs position was established formally by Act for the Incorporation of Both Universities.  Then an official name of a university was established The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford.

There are department, library, scientific institution, college of 39 and hole of 7 as central organization.  All staff of a school and all students responsible for belong to College.  A college translates a seminary.  These colleges system different from an American and Japanese college system.  These systems are student shares the food and sleep with a teacher and lives in the same building and learning it together in there.