Event in Korea

July 5th・・・Chuotan (loach soup) Day→

January 1st・・・Pear Day

January 19th・・・Hot Day (119 means a telephone number to a fire station.)

February 14th・・・Saint Valentine’s Day

February 23rd・・・insamu (ginseng) day

custom.html へのリンク

May 15th・・・Teachers’ Day(The day is students thank for their teachers.)

March 3rd・・・Samugyopusaru Day(Samugyopusaru means a pork rib.)

March 7th・・・samuchi (sierra) day→

March 5th・・・slow food day

February 22nd・・・Couple Day(I don’t know this event continue yet.)
Tooth day

food.html へのリンク
top page1.html へのリンク

May 8th・・・Parents Day

April 5th・・・Herb Day

March 1st・・・3.1 Day
The day is that Korean did a march.

August 15th・・・Independence Day

October 9th・・・the Korean alphabet Day

Every month 3rd・・・Samugakkimupa (rice ball) Day
6th・・・Child raring Day
Hottest day・・・Possun-a(peach) Day