Starwars Episode 3      by George Lucas

 Title: 1 story
         2 actor and role
         3 explaine about this movie
         4 appeal

starwars episord3 1 story:
It past 3@years@when  Cron wars happen.
The wars is keeping still and getting harder and harder between Jedai and Shis.
Palpateen who is head of republic was kidnaped by Shis but Anakin help him .But actuary,this  palpateen is the head of Dark-side.
 Anakin knows Padome has destiny that she will die.So he try to get Power of Shis and fall down Dark-side....
2 Actor and role
He is Anakin. He is the person who was chosento follow world to good way
But He  turn into Darsvader..

Anakin is acted by Hyden Christensen who is Canadian and 20 years old
PADOME 2 Actor and role
SHe is Padome. She is Amidara queen in the republic. She get married to Anakin Secretly and pregnant two baby of him . But she has a desteny of death...

Padome is acted by Natary Portman.
2 Role
These are always follow around Anakin.
Smoll Robot named R2-D2.He can not speak langage but understand the meanings. He really help Anakin
Taller robot is 3PO. He can live even if he is breaken..

R2-D2 & 3PO

3 explaine about this movie
Starwars  started about 25 years ago. This Starwars episord 3 is tha last of series.So we can know all of this story.
Paticurally,Episord 3 is top of hill of this movie.
you can enjoy it and great acts of big cast.

4 appeal
I think Heyden Christensen is remarcable actor!!!! He is handsum and have talent of actor.Amagingly He's  still 20 tears old.