Walt is said to have drawn the first sketches of Mickey Mouse on a train to Los Angeles after losing the rights to Oswald, the cartoon rabbit. Viewed from a distance of over 70 years, it appears that Mickey's success was inevitable, that he was a kind of force of nature in entertainment, destined to become one of the most beloved characters in the world.

Start  animated cartoon ___Mickey  didn't  have  shoe  glove!
When wMICKEY'S SEE OPERAx ,Micker take  a  pair of  glove.
Mickey'sbody  look  like Western  pear. And Mickey changed eloquent!
Mickey changed have pupil small eyes from only pitch-black eyes
Mickey'sear have a third dimension and  two color.
In the middle of 1940
Mickey 'sear return to pitch-black  and  perfect circle.
Beginning 1950
Mickey has lose weight.
Now,We can see before 45 years'Mickey.