My Hometown is Taishi town. There are western of Hyogo
prefecture in Japan. I'll introduce about proude of my hometown!! There are cultural heritage and famoce foods.
The first is heritage!
It'a temple. We called it "IKARUGA DERA". The temple was constructed by Shoutoku Taishi in the Asuka era. The picture is entrance of Ikaruga temple.There are two statues.
When we through the gate ,we can look some of big treeand ground is covered with small storns. We are walking on the ground and we can crunch through the small stones. The sound is Japanease culture.
The picture is "SANJYU NO TOU". There is east of temple and we
can look on right side when pass the enterance .
The second is food!!
I"ll tell you how to cook SOU-MEN!
We proude of such a food. It's a Japanease vermicelli! We called it "IBO-NO-ITO"or "SOU-MEN". The food is made on winter,because we eat on summer. Sometimes we make soup in winter. It's called "NYU-MEN".
1. The begin is boiled water.
2. If the water is boiled , vermicelli into the pot.
3. Then boiled ,we take a cup of water ,and a little of water into a pot.
4. Then the water is boiled again, and we pick up the vermicelli. 5. And the finish ,the vermicelli move to cold water to cool .The next is decolated vermicelli on the dish.
We have some delisiouce foods and beautiful heritage. If you have
interest for Tashi town, I 'll suggest you some links.
I wanted to introduce my hometown much more. But once I start introducing, I never stop. Taishi town has a lot ofgreen and good
climate. And there are beautiful cultural heritage and good foods. I proude my hometown!!