Introduction What is fairy? They live forest and spring and underground fortress. They are magic existence and their mode of life is similar to human being. They have many common natures to human being, it is not only conscience and honor. They are very moody, and they reply exaggerates when human being is kind to them and they take revenge and harm when human being hurt their temper. Sometimes it occurs that they change their child to child of human being. Their body not restricts smaller than human being. They can transform small and big. They always dancing and loving, singing and fighting, and likes banquet. But they have the only manufacture working that is making shoes, because they like dancing and wear down their shoes.
Theories of where fairies come from 1. Theory of Hades; fairy is, the state of the soul of dead parson who had commit a clime is waiting for the Last Judgement to get the body.
2. Theory of pygmy; fairy is born from memory of Mongolian that existed in prehistoric. Mongolian had stayed Britain and part of Europe, they turned out and the memory decline.
3. Theory of naturalism; fairy is, the sprit of the world of nature that was believed in prehistoric still exists.
4. Theory of psychology; fairy is, the expression of the theory of sprit that exists worldwide, and a kind of universal animism sprit.
5. Theory of real; fairy is, a supernatural kind of living thing that exists.
Fairy Life
Food Fairy likes fruits (strawberry, apple) and fresh milk, honey. They steal grain from field, and they bake bread. If human being eat their foods, he will be attracted the fairy world and can’t back real world.
Fairy clothes Their general clothes are green jacket and red hut of triangle with feather of owl. Generally, fairy those lives in group wears green jacket, and fairy that lives alone wears red jacket. Fairy Queen wears green dress and red hut with golden ribbon. Fairy King puts a crown that golden decoration on their head that shows their standings.
Fairy's hate
They don't like fire and iron. Some fairies are harm for human being, so when fairy plays trick on human being, people make a fire. And it is the way not to change fairy baby to human being baby that put an iron needle or scissors on cradle.
Fairy time It is different that fairy world time to us. But fairy has a close connection with our seasons. In May Day and Halloween, summer solstice are the times that easy to happen to see fairy, and chance to enter fairy world. And evening, midnight and full moon are best time in a day to do such things. On Sunday, people speak about fairy, the man will be unhappy.
Kinds of fairies 1. Lepracaun; shoes shopper of fairy. Lepracaun is only worker of fairy.
2. Ganconer; Ganconer is a lazy fellow. “speak a love” fairy.
3. Far Darrig; fat and ugly fairy. Far Darrig are found of mischief.
4. Pooka; Pooka doesn’t appear style of human being.
5. Dullahan; Dullahan doesn’t have neck, and the most of scary.
6. Leanhaun shee; she wants men’s love forever.
3. Fairy Goddes and Queen
Fairy Goddess 
Aine is one of  the Great Goddesses of Irland.She is a moon goddess,a love goddess who encourages human love and the fairy queen of Munster.She liked humans and often mated with men,producing fairy children.She once made a magical  vow to never sleep with a gray-haired  man.
 Caer is a beautiful  fairy maiden of Connacht,Irland.She lived in the guise of a swan, adorned with necklaces of golden chains and tinkling golden bells.
Call upon Caer for transformation, fairy magic, and happy endings after difficult beginnings, Air and water are her elements, the swan her sacred animal.
Beautiful lusty,Cliodna of the Fair Hair is the Irish goddess of beauty, the sea, and the after life.
Cliodna has three magical birds that heal the sick by singing them to sleep.She is the matron of waves, especially large waves and the ninth waves of every series of waves that break on shore.
Fairy Queen Fuamnach was a powerful fairy queen, Midir the Proud, son of the Dagda, was her fairy king.After many years of marriage, Midirenraged her by taking the younger, more beautiful Etain as a second wife.
Probably derived from the Welsh goddess Mob who corresponds to the Irish godddess Maeve, Queen Mab is a night sprite of British fairy love. Mab brings nightmares to humans when she visits, driving her hazelnut-shell wagon across their sleeping faces.
Summer is a Native American fairy, the Queen of the Elves of Light. She is a tiny, beautiful woman who dances in the forest and hibernates during the winter. Winter, a giant, melts away when Summer appears.