 I first went to Mai's house and met Mai and Mai's family.
They decided that I lived here, and they named me MEMETA(MEMETAROU).
I don't know them at all but I guess they are maybe good people. I look to them for live in friendship.

 I went to 100YEN HOUSE which Mai's father runs, because there are no people at home from 9:30a.m. to 5:00p.m.
 In the shop I was watched by many many costomers. They said "yippee, yippee, pretty, puppy, puppy." I didn't sleep well there becouse of them.

 Mai took lots of pictures of me. I made a cool look.

 I first went out of the house. Everything is big and flesh.
Do you know the sky is blue?

 When I ran loose in a kitchen with Mai, Mai's mother came in and said "Stop, this isn't a room to romp, Mai!!". Mai and I went to a big room(a garage) and ran loose right and left. I enjoyed it very much.

 Our grandpa made my own house. I am very happy!!! I'll sleep in my own house tonight.

 I was in a cer for a long time, today. I and Mai and Mai's mother visited Mai's cousins. They are twins so I could see two same faces at the same time. I was stroked by twins and I felt happy because I love being stroked. Today, I was tired but I could spend lovely time.

 I played with Mai all day long, today. I like playing with ball the best.

 It was fine, today. I basked in the sun at the veranda and I napped. I like napping very much.

 Today, I went for a walk with Mai and Aya and Ai. Aya and Ai are Mai's older sister and younger sister. I love taking a walk!!

 I ate delicious dinner because today is Mai's birthday. Mai is 18 years old.

 Today, Mai graduated from high school. Congratulations!!

 During spring vacation, I can play with Mai every day. I like vacations very much.

 Mai entered a university in Kobe. Mai is busy so that we can't play a lot. I'm sad.

 I ate deliciouse dinner because today is my happy happy birthday!!! I'm one years old.
Happy Birthday to MEMETA  Happy Birthday to MEMETA

 SUMMER VACATION!!! Mai's friend-Keiko came to our house. Mai said that she was my best  friend so I didn't bark to her.

 BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!! A poppy is in my room, now. But I guess she isn't our family.

 A poppy is our family now. She was found on the road by Mai. Mai tried to find her owner. But could't. So she became our family. In other words, she is MT SISTER. I have a sister.
Mai said you are an older brother. Behave yourself like an older brother.

 A poppy named RIRIKO.

 I spent a lot of time with Mai and RIRIKO during this vacation. But Mai's university will start from tomorrow......

 Mai said to me, "I've decided that I go to England next summer vacation." I could see a big smile on her face so I couldn't say "NO" although I'm sad.

 Mai said to me, "I've decided that I live alone in Kobe. You are a dear, aren't you? You can mind our family's words, can't you? I'll often come back here." I'm very sad sad sad sad sad sad......

 I can't see Mai nowhere now...... Today, I went for a walk with Aya and Ai. It was very fun.
I'm sure that Mai can work out everything.

 SPRING VACATION!!!  Mai came back to ours. I was very glad to see Mai. We took a walk for about two hours.

 I've not seen Mai for a long time, but Aya said to me that Mai'll come back to tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing Mai.

 Mai came back!!! SUMMER VACATION!!!  But Mai goes to England. This vacation, I can't spend much time with Mai. But I'm sure Mai is looking forward to going to England very very very much. Mai is happy so I am happy.

 Mai's mother said, " Mai sent mails to us." I could know that Mai is fine and happy in England.

 Mai came to Japan. I could see a big Mai. I guess Mai ate a lot in England and Mai got a lot of new in England.

 Mai's school will start soon so that Mai went to Kobe.

 Mai came back because Ai invited Mai to Ai's a regular concert.
Mai said, " Ai's concert was great!!! I was impressed!!! I will go to Kobe tomorrow. Let's go for a walk!!! "