quality   of   hot  spring
stiff shoulders, lower back pain, neuralgia  simple spring ,  hot brine spring The effect which warms the body enlarges circulation of blood and a hot brine spring softens muscles.
stress  simple spring since there are few stimuli,the simple spring has been turned to.It is effective to be slowly flooded with hot water more tepid than hot hot water.
insomnia gypsum spring   There is the stillness effect in a gypsum spring.
sensitive to cold hot brine spring  Since the keeping-warm effect after coming from a hot spring is also high,a hot brine spring hot only warms the body,but cannot be chilled after a bath easily. 
skin disease ,athlete's foot acid spring An acid spring is effective against the athlete's foot in which sterilizing properties cannot be repaired easily strongly for a certain reason.
anemia iron  spring
Drink spring is effegtive, and since it is absorbed also from the skin,bathing is also made good.
diahetes carbonic acid hydrogen,   Drink spring is effective.
stomach disease hot brine spring, bicarbonate-of-soda spring If it  is drink spring, work of the stomach and intestines will be promoted.
beautiful skin sulter spring