

           chiken 400g   scallop 200g   oyster 400g   tofu 1

      devil's tongue 1 sheet   eringi(mushroom)3-4   backberry 1

      beensproout 1pack   spinach 1   leek 1

      A: nince an onion 1/2 piece

           soybean paste, alcohol - tablespoon 4

           starch - tablespoon 7

           a little papper

      B: soup 4cups

           soybean paste - tablespoon 7

           soy soup, alcohol, mirin - tablespoon 1

           a little salt

-how to make-

      1, You shredded scallop. You hit A's materials and chicken with using kitchen knife, and mix starch . It let lie.

      2, The oysters wash salt and water.

      3, Tofu,deril's tongue,and eringi cut easy to eat.

      4, Spinach and leek cut 5cm.

      5,Deep of pan, you put 1's chicken like paste pan. You dish all of materials,  add A's materials, and boil.

      6,It boil all materials completely, it finish!!

   PLEASE EAT(^o^)/

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