

GINKAKUJI,the"Temple of the Silvar Pavilion" ,is popular name but formal name is HIGASIYAMA JISHOUJI GINKAKU.The eight Muromati shougun,Ashikaga Yoshimasa(1436-90) establish this building,model KINKAKUJI(formal name is ROKUONJI KINKAKU). He built this building as billa ,but after he die,GINKAKU become Rinzai sect Zen temple(by Yoshimasa'will),and this building was named HIGASIYAMA JISYOUJI GINKAKU.Yoshimasa ordered that his own villa be layed out like Saihouji temple(another name is Kokedera). He visited Saihouji temple numerous times,studying the gaden design that had been carried out there by the Zen priest Musou Soseki(1276-51).He had twelve structure arranged on the site chosen for his villa,of which only two,the Tougudou and the Kannon Hall,are exant.

Now this temple is composed of the Kannon Hall,Tougudou,Hondou,etc.Kannonden and Tougudou are National Treasure.

Ahikaga Yoshimasa
Asikaga Yoshimasa(1436-90) is the eight Muromati shougun.Yoshimasa became shougun at the age of nine,and became Seiitaishougun(the king of the Samurai,it is different from shougun.) at the age of fourteen.Weary of the situation,at the age of twenty-nine he decided to retire and thought to construct a retreat where he could pursue his deep interest in the arts.But he had no son.So he decided his brother Yoshimi succeed shougun,and started making plans to build a retirement retreat.However,in 1465,his wife bore a son,and firece battle arose over this issue.This battle is called Ounin War,and turned Kyouto into ruins.Yoshimasa`s plan for his villa was dashed.However,his dream of retirement did not die,and around 1473,when the war began to wane,he installed his young son as shougun and resumed his villa plans.Constraction began in 1482,and ended with Yoshimasa`s death in 1490.
Like that,he love art.Leaving politics and family behind,Yoshimasa spent his days steeped in artistic and spiritual pursuits. He had the built-in shelves of the shoin-style rooms decorated with rare,refined objects.These objects,known as the gHigashiyama Cultureh.They became the fountainhead for the development of Japan`s traditional arts such as flower arranging,the Way of Tea,and the Way of Incense.

Higashiyama Culture

Higashiyama Culture,formed mainly by Yoshimasa,is the start of modern life style of the Japan.

This picture is Chanoyu,drinking tea.